Measurement selection
How do you measure constructs like engagement, mood, or preferences? It may seem pretty straightforward, but a whole field, psychometrics, is devoted to understanding the trade-offs between a survey’s reliability (how consistently a measure measures something) and validity (the degree to which the instrument is measuring what it says its measuring). I help teams make informed measurement decisions based on their goals, balancing the stability of validated instruments with engagement and attrition concerns.
research design
Designing a study requires you to have hypotheses, measures, protocols, and a data analysis strategy in place. You also must think through what your end goals are and identify and anticipate confounding variables that may cloud or contribute to misleading associations. I partner with product teams to design strategic A/B tests, longitudinal, and more traditional experimental studies so they can understand what works, what doesn’t, and make data-decision product decisions.
data analysis & interpretation
This is the fun part. What are your results?! I help teams think through data analysis strategies based on the types of scales they are using, issues related to statistical power, and interpret the output of their analyses.